Course Modules

Course Modules

Forget anything you have heard or learned about the Home Inspection business and profession and clear your mind of all pre-conceptions. Please regard THITA as your guide to self improvement and business success.

Our Training Manual Guide assists Students during their period of self study and thereafter – remaining as an easy to use referral guide to the profession, its guidelines, its role players, its rules, its pitfalls and its rewards.

Since we at THITA promote, as all other progressive educational bodies do, training by means of “learning outcomes”, we have designed the Training Manual Guide guide to list our intended learning outcomes for each Module i.e. what the essence is that we expect Students to glean from each particular Module. These are the new skills or knowledge that you should be able to apply upon completion of each Module.

We have designed each Module to progressively allow Students to put the new skills into practice as they go along and we have also included various self-evaluation tests which we expect Students to carry out at times which best suit them. Since our Students pay us for the privilege of imparting our knowledge to them, we trust that they will be willing to carry out these self-evaluation tests which are designed to increase their practical application of the theoretical information that we impart to them in each Module.

We have designed each Module to progressively allow Students to put the new skills into practice as they go along and we have also included various self-evaluation tests which we expect Students to carry out at times which best suit them. Since our Students pay us for the privilege of imparting our knowledge to them, we trust that they will be willing to carry out these self-evaluation tests which are designed to increase their practical application of the theoretical information that we impart to them in each Module.

Our Training Manual Guide introduces Students to the attitudes and values they need to be able to meet SASHI (The South African Society Of Home Inspectors) final assessment criteria and to fulfil their role as a home inspector in a successful business.

The author of the THITA training material, GMR Lourens, developed it in collaboration with Intec College and after many years experience in the field as the overhead NHBRC Inspectorate. The Course has been designed to make provision for 10 open book written self-evaluation test papers, the results of which students send to us at THITA so that we can keep a record of their progress along with their final examination, practical inspection and its 4 follow up inspections that we expect Students to send to us for record and marking purposes.

We have also summarised the Training Manual Guide in a recommended study schedule, which indicates when we advise Students to complete a portion of the course (should be within 13 weeks, but Students can of course complete it at their own leisure or in as short a period as they prefer).

Since it is a self-study course, Students may set their own pace. We do recommend the time-table below in terms of which Students should complete the course in 12 weeks and carry out the practical inspection with an accredited THITA / SASHI inspector in the 13th week. The week after that should be spent in carrying out inspections on their own, on their own time and Students will be expected to submit them to THITA for marking.

Students should also carry out the self-evaluation tests after each Module has been completed.

Prior to embarking on this Course, Students will also be required to complete a Skills Level Evaluation questionnaire which must be submitted to THITA as soon as possible after enrolment. This questionnaire is also required for Students to become a candidate member of SASHI and will be used as a measurement of their current level of skills so it is in their best interests to fill it in without resort to friends and colleagues – that would be defeating its purpose.